Blackstone Fortress: Time for Plan B
Well it's said that no plan survives first contact with the enemy and I think that is most definitely the case here. A perfect storm of an unexpected work contract and unbearably hot weather have resulted in my totally stalling in progress with these models. In addition to that - I picked up the new Traitor Command set on release adding two more models to the backlog! I updated my plan about a week ago with the current progress and little has been made since. The current situation is: Completed: Ur Ghuls (25mm) Spindle Drones (25mm) Bore Wyrms (25mm) Ambull (50mm) Traitor Guard (25mm) Chaos Beastmen (32mm) Chaos Ogryn (40mm) Still to be done: (original dates) Pious, Taddeus, Janus (32mm): July 12th-14th Rogue Psykers (32mm): July 15th Rein and Raus (25mm): July 16th Negavolt Cultists (32mm): July 17th Obsidius Mallex (40mm): July 18th Chaos Space Marines (32mm): July 19th UR-025 (32mm): July 20th Dahyak (32mm): July 21st Amallyn (32mm): July 23rd Espero