
Showing posts from November, 2018

250 reasons to be thankful

It's that time of year again - the day I get a little introspective and put out a post on the things I have to be grateful for. Although I am in the UK again, I still value setting aside this day to take a moment to really appreciate the things I have in life. This year, this post coincides with my 250th post on this Blog so let's start there as a reason to be thankful. I first posted to this blog way back in early 2009 whilst I was still a student and just starting to get back into a hobby I'd abandoned in the face of raging hormones. That's almost 10 years ago now... and in that time I've averaged about 2 posts/month... Frankly, for me that's a pretty epic achievement. Of course there have been times when it's been less and others more, but by and large, the blog has grown well and now nets several thousand views every month from all you wonderful people who come visit, read and most importantly keep me honest! That's really the key thing with this

Dwarven Slayers Strike! (part 1)

Primed Black and given a White Zenithal through the Badger Patriot 105 with Stynylrez primers. Still using the Patriot, I laid down Vallejo Game Color Dark Flesh to start building up the flesh tones: ScaleColor Inktensity Red airbrushed on added some vibrancy to the plumes. I also started blocking out the hair at this stage with Vallejo Model Air Sand for Blond, Vallejo Game Color Dark Flesh for red and Vallejo Model Air Olive Green for brown: I also re-whitened the tips of Mad Maegrim's plume. This was a bit of an experiment to really synthesize fire better with an airbrush (see some of my Descent models for some green tinted disasters. To do this, I laid down some VMA Sand over the red and then laid ScaleColor Inktensity Yellow over that (I also added this to the beards) As you can see, the result is pretty effective. The green tint is effectively removed. There are still some issues with the red as I laid it down too thickly and too quickly (I blame

Descent Monsters painted

Honestly, I think this is one of my best achievements in painting to date. The models are far from well painted even by my lowly standards - Airbrushing has saved them a great deal but even so they're not stunning. Volume and speed are what set these out in my mind. 168 models is the most I have painted for any single thing so far and to have gotten them all done in about 3 months really feels great to look back on. Of course it's far too early to rest on my laurels as I still have all the heroes to tackle still but this has been a great exercise and really helped me with scale and speed of painting. - Raggy, signing out

Dabbling in Live Streaming

I know I have been a little quiet on the Blog of late. Travel and Internet access have had a lot to do with this however I have not been idle at the paint station! I will be putting up a post with my massive Descent Monster painting haul in the next few days. In the meantime I wanted to show of a new branch of my painting tuition - Live Streaming!!! The First stream was last night on YouTube and you can see the video here: This first stream looks at darker skin tones using one of the Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Reaver models as a test piece. I even branch out into some scarring both sculpted and freehand! This was an experimental first pass and there will be more to come. I will be live streaming tomorrow night on Twitch: - please join in! I am looking to see what the two platforms are like in terms of functionality and quality and will choose which to run on going forwards! - Raggy, signing out