Mixed bag

There's not been a lot of headway in terms of painting lately however I have made some solid progress with my three newest Blood Bowl teams. I have fully assembled my new big guys, and the Chaos team. The Pro Elves (Black Scorpion Humans) that I have are prepped and assembled. I still need a few catchers and line elves but it's coming along nicely. I have also managed to finish the first stage of sculpting of my Ogres, a fix on the broken Amazon and a repair on a malformed hand for one of my Beastmen: They are still in need of some polish (filing in particular) before they are done but I am pretty pleased with the progress so far. On a related note. I am doing an audit of all my photos at the moment to try and consolidate and pair back the masses of pictures that I have. In doing this, I may get a little over zealous and delete ones that are actually posted here. If that happens, please flag it to me so I can recover them before it's too late! My boardgaming ...