
Showing posts from November, 2009

The coming months

Well I have entered the final year of my degree... this is the main reason for my lack of posts (and lack of painting). I am spending Christmas up in Durham with my Fiancee and am hoping to be able to get a few things done then. My main focuses will be: Skaven Coach (last of my skaven team) Finish off the Menoth figures Paint the remaining of my Uncharted Seas figures Do the survivor figures that can be used for 'Daring Tales of Adventure' I also need to varnish up a load of figures. Other than this the main thing in the wargaming world I have been following is the latest retardations (I simply can't think of another way to describe it) of Games Workshop. It seems we are all welcome to spend money in their shops so long as we don't take photos of product, talk about product, or in fact touch product without supervision from authorities. Trousers down, and bend over folks, GW is on the warpath!

Games Workshop Letters

  In response to this Dear Sir/Madam I have been watching with increasing concern the recent bouts of legal letters to fansites. I have been a Games Workshop player for over 15years and have supported the company through increasing prices, power creep and many other criticisms leveled at the company. I feel that the strongest feature of Games Workshop was the large community of gamers out there. Other systems that I play are all of a much smaller user base though often a lot cheaper, better quality figures and easier to play work hard to try and generate a similar community. Seeing Games Workshop working so hard to destroy communities, and alienate players breaks my heart. As a result of thes changes in company policy I will be ceasing to purchase any Games Workshop products or license material from associated companies (such as Forge World, Fantasy Flight and the like). I will also encourage others to vote with their wallets and get their figures elsewhere. I hope that you see wha