Painting up some more Nurgley goodness

Whilst I have been spending much of my painting time this year working on competition models, I still want to try and achieve a good volume of painted miniatures. Alongside the work on my Warhammer Fest entry (more in an upcoming post) I have been prepping models to give myself a break from the intense painting. With the Conquest Magazine subscription and the occasional trade - I've acquired quite a lot of minis and particularly Death Guard which I am hoping to build into an impressive Armies on Parade entry.

For this blog post I thought I would highlight how I will often work in one hour blocks

Hour 0:

I already had these chaps cleaned, assembled and glue gunned onto some balsa paint stirrers:

cleaned, assembled and on paint stirrers

Hour 1:

Priming with Stynylrez Black. It took a couple of coats and some tricky angling to hit all the undersides.

Models Primed black

Hour 2:

I've mentioned my recipes before but did the basecoating rapidly with the airbrush and threw in some of the ink toning.

Initial toning

Hour 3:

Using the brushes slowed things down a bit but added in the Athonian Camoshade wash on the Marines and Reikland Fleshshade on some of the PoxWalkers:

Basecoated and washed

Hour 4:

Add Agrellan Earth to the remaining bases:


Hour 5:

I throw a wash of Reikland Fleshshade onto the Poxwalkers:

Flesh washed

Hour 6:

Drybrushing Bleached Bone onto the Plague Marines and paint the horns of all models:

All models with the bone painted

Hour 7:

It's time to crack out those Metallic Sharpies that I'm such a big fan of. Silver for weapons, Gold for Armour trim and Bronze for bells:

Metal colours applied

Hour 8:

Throwing on some Typhus corrosion, Orange clothes and drybrushing orange and silver over the typhus corrosion for rusting.

Texture is an amazing thing especially on Death Guard models.

All models with rust effects applied

Hour 9:

At this point I cut down to the poxwalkers as I wanted to push through them and get them done leaving me more time to focus on the Marines for a higher finish. Adding a final drybrush for the flesh and a few other spot details to help the models pop a little.

All the poxwalkers and the paints used for hour 9

Close up on detailing

Hour 10:

Tidying up the bases with some black trim and then varnishing:

36 finished, painted poxwalkers

So there we have it - 36 poxwalkers painted in 10 - 1hr increments. A total of 17min/model (probably closer to 15 when you factor in the time spent on the additional models). There are definite improvements that could be made - as usual for me, I've gone for a very muted palette that really impacts the vibrancy of the models and their ability to stand out on the table top. There are details that could certainly be added to help here and I may go back and revisit that (bright pustules and slime particularly)
- Raggy, signing out
