Blackstone Fortress: Time for Plan B

Well it's said that no plan survives first contact with the enemy and I think that is most definitely the case here. A perfect storm of an unexpected work contract and unbearably hot weather have resulted in my totally stalling in progress with these models. In addition to that - I picked up the new Traitor Command set on release adding two more models to the backlog!

I updated my plan about a week ago with the current progress and little has been made since. The current situation is:

Ur Ghuls (25mm)
Spindle Drones (25mm)
Bore Wyrms (25mm)
Ambull (50mm)
Traitor Guard (25mm)
Chaos Beastmen (32mm)
Chaos Ogryn (40mm)

Still to be done: (original dates)
Pious, Taddeus, Janus (32mm): July 12th-14th
Rogue Psykers (32mm): July 15th
Rein and Raus (25mm): July 16th
Negavolt Cultists (32mm): July 17th
Obsidius Mallex (40mm): July 18th
Chaos Space Marines (32mm): July 19th
UR-025 (32mm): July 20th
Dahyak (32mm): July 21st
Amallyn (32mm): July 23rd
Esperon (32mm): July 24th
Traitor Commissar (32mm)
Varnish & Base July 24th

The upshot of this is that I have completed the majority of the models with the completion of the Traitor Guard in particular helping out a lot. The downside is that there is realistically no way I will complete this by the end of July and given other projects - the end of August is also questionable. I need to make sure that I keep focused and working on these models but I have to be mindful of the fact that I have competition pieces to complete as well as an unexpected workload that continues to eat up a lot of time. I am hopeful that at least the weather will cool off a little so that painting will be a little more feasible.

Revised plan:
I think it's clear that the time frames I set were too specific and too tight leaving me without enough wiggle room. Projects fall behind and you can try to build in tolerances (I had a week for the July 31st target - it just wasn't enough). I'm going to be a little more flexible for finishing this project and let it take as long as it will take to an extent with targets split into weekends and weeks:

July 27th-28th:
Finish Negavolt Cultists, Mallex and Chaos Space Marines - all of these are already WIPs and nearing completion

July 29th - August 2nd:
Finish UR-025 - almost completed but some cleanup still needed
Rein & Raus, Traitor Commissar

August 3rd-4th:
Rogue Psykers, Janus

August 5th-9th:
Mindful that I'll have just got my hands on WarCry and will be commuting all week this will be a blank week with no expectations. I should still be doing Twitch streams and may be able to work on something then.

August 10th-11th:
Espern, Taddeus, Pious

August 12th-16th:
Dahyak, Amalynn, Basing and Varnishing.

This is a somewhat lighter schedule with a little bit of flexibility built in. It should also allow me some time to work on other projects along side these so that I can get my Capital Palette entries ready for the show.

- Raggy, signing out
