Miniature Monthly layering tutorial

The Haikido Hackers are chugging along. Most of the basic goblins are now done. I will do a full team review post soon when I have everything in place. In this post, I wanted to show off some of the work on layering that I have been doing recently, particularly the Obi (belt) on the goblin fanatic where I put a little time in building up from dark to light to get some really awesome effect. All of this has been taken directly from the latest lesson by Miniature Monthly. I continue to be impressed by the classes that Aaron, Elizabeth and Jonathan have been putting together.

Goblin Fanatic with Ball & Chain

Goblin Pogoer - Left SideGoblin Pogoer - Right Side

You can see here my continuing efforts to work on free hand painting. The Rising Sun banner reads 'Banzai'. It is a term that came to the western world from World War 2 and literally means ten thousand years - a contracted form of a Japanese battle cry.

Goblin with cool rising sun shoulder pads

Finally this dude is one of my favorite of the standard goblin sculpts. I really like the shoulder pads and had a lot of fun painting them up.

- Raggy, signing out
